Karen Brent, MBA

CUCSA Delegate, Staff Assembly
Communications Analyst - Center for Faculty Educators
+1 415 514-2282

I've worked at UCSF since 2012 and currently support communication and promotion efforts for faculty educators as part of UCSF's education mission in the Center for Faculty Educators. I create and manage digital and print publications as well as serve as my unit's website administrator. I staff two committees that recognize and celebrate staff and faculty excellence in health professions education and support the diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism/anti-oppression committee for the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators. I also engage in this work with colleagues in my department and unit, with interest in supporting this work at the campus level. In Fall 2016, I completed UCSF's Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program and continue to work with my fellow alumni as a member of the alumni leadership team.